Sunday, June 30, 2013

Just because it says Natural Spring Water doesn't mean it is

To find out if your Natural Spring Water is what it says it is, you must first know where it's coming from.

Natural Spring Water
Only 5% of the Worlds water is fresh
Only five percent of the worlds water is fresh, the other ninety five percent is salty or undrinkable. You should know that most of the drinking water that we drink in the United States comes from rivers and streams and is not natural spring water. It is filtered, shot with ultraviolet rays, bombarded with chlorine, and sometimes run through a reverse osmosis filter. Most if not all of the natural mineral content has been removed in the process and has to be reintroduced before it comes to your home.
Flushing Your Water Down The Toilet
One Mans Trash Is Another Mans Treasure
Think about this, your water is coming from up stream. Let's say I'm in a town up stream from you. I get my drinking water from the same stream you do. I flush my toilet just like you do. The sewage is treated and released back into the same stream that you are getting your water from. It is said that by the time the Mississippi River reaches the city of New Orleans that their drinking water has been the sewage treatment of over twenty cities. Ooohh! Not a very bright picture, but it is reality.
And a major problem that cities down stream are finding is that the people upstream are flushing their unused prescription pills down the toilet. The drugs do not get filtered out with the sewage treatment process and they invariably wind up downstream in your drinking water. So if you wonder why you may be moody, it could be because of your drinking water.
Natural Spring Water
One thing can always be found on the beach, plastic water bottles
So you think I will just buy bottled water, it's better for me. You may be wrong. Not only does buying all those plastic bottles pollute the earth, they also carry carcinogens (cancer causing stuff) in the plastics when sunlight hits it. This then goes into your water and you drink it in.
Did you know there are no regulations or laws saying that a bottle of water coming out of your faucet can't use the words Natural Spring Water. There are places all over the United States that are using the word Natural Spring Water to sell their products, because they know they can capitalize on the gullibility of the American public. All these companies have to do is add minerals back into tap water to make it taste good, it's still tap water.

There are a few things you can do as a consumer to get better tasting "so called" Natural Spring Water.

1. If you have to drink tap water because you don't have a filter, pour your water in a pitcher and let it stand for an hour in the refrigerator. Normal tap water has chlorine gas in it. If you just pour a glass and take a drink immediately, you are sucking down a heaping cup of poisonous gas. Let it off gas for a bit.
2.  Use a water filter. You can use a filter like the Brita, or the Pur, but these are charcoal activated filters and they really don't get rid of most of the nastiness.
3. You can use a filter like the reverse osmosis filter, but you must realize that it is filtering out everything. The good minerals and the bad minerals are being stripped out. Many people drinking this type of water are having deficiencies in their bodies over time that is leading to a host of medical problems. When the filter works on your tap water, it puts the filtered water in a tank and it just sits there. This becomes stagnant water if it is not rotated in the tank at least twice a month. Also if you use a reverse osmosis filter and put water in a water bottle with a lid on it, it will start to smell in twenty four hours because the chlorine has been removed.
4. There are other filters out there that will leave the minerals in your water and do a good job, shop on line. A good one is the Kangen. It's a little expensive, but worth the money.
5. UV Light. When Ultraviolet Light hits water, it literally breaks the bonds in the DNA strands of anything.  Any bacteria, or viruses will disintegrate immediately. A commercial unit costs about two hundred dollars, but you can actually make one of your own if you are a do it your self type.
6. Use bottled water if you have too. If you can go to a real source that is from a natural spring, make sure and put it in a container that is dark, so that sunlight will not penetrate it. This will keep for about two weeks as long as you keep it in a cool dark place.
Natural Spring Water
Get it while it's fresh
I hope that this information has been helpful for you to try and get a better idea where your water is coming from. The water cooler at work, is not a bad source, it may say Natural Spring Water, but perhaps you should take a drive down to the factory where the truck came from that delivered it and see for yourself where and what you are drinking. It's pretty obvious that if the factory is off the interstate in Pasadena that it probably isn't Natural Spring water.
Natural Spring Water
How Natural Is Your Spring Water?
Thanks For Reading
John Prochazka

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