Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Could The Mark Of The Beast Be Time?

Why would anyone think that the Mark of the Beast is time?

We think of time as linear. We're born, baby, toddler, preteen, teen, young adult, adult, middle aged adult, grand parents, then death. All in one straight line. It's kind of like a long tunnel that we know we have to travel in, and we know where the end takes us, but we just can't seem to get out of the tunnel. The bad thing is no one likes to talk about the end of the tunnel called death. We all know it exists. We celebrate a new life when it is born, but we will not talk about someones death.

According to the book of Revelations in the Holy Bible, it says in Chapter 13 the 16th verse about the Mark of the Beast.
New International Version (©2011)
It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads.
Most people seem to think of this mark as a tattoo or a bar code or some other device that is going to keep us a slave to the beast. Think about this, what if the Mark of The Beast was Time? What is on the back of your hand? Isn't that where your watch goes? What is on your forehead? Your mind! Isn't it the next place you have to be? Or the next deadline you have to achieve? It's a trap! It's slavery!
Mark Of The Beast
Is It Time For A Change?
Be on time! What time is it? Killing Time! Wasting Time! You're Late! Running out of Time!  Get there in Time! Time Flies! No Time like the present! Let's get this thing started! Happy Endings! Time To Heal! Time of War! Father Time! Hard Time!

Time has boundaries! Time has a law to follow. Just like water flowing down a stream, so is the law of time pushing us ever forward like the tunnel.

There are some men who are not stuck in the tunnel of time that is applied by the Mark of The Beast.

One is named Jesus. Another is Moses and another Elijah. Here are some interesting excerpts from the Bible.
Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.
And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus.
Well this is a problem in the linear time view because Elijah was around about four hundred years before Jesus and was taken away by a chariot of fire. Whether he died or not, we don't know.
Now Moses was around about fourteen hundred years before Jesus and he did die and was buried on top of Mount Nebo. So how can we have two really old guys, one dead and the other not dead talking to Jesus in front of the disciples Peter, James, and John, and still hold to the truth of linear time and the Mark of the Beast on it.
Here's another example. After Jesus had died on the cross and been put into the cave and rose from the cave, his disciples were in a room waiting with the door locked and Jesus just appeared.
A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
Now how does a man just appear in a locked room full of people? What if the linear law of time did not apply to Jesus after his resurrection? What if instead of looking at time as a long tunnel, Jesus looked at time like a bottle with ants in it. So picture this, a glass bottle full of ants, they are walking all around on the inside of the bottle and to them their world is contained in the bottle. Now Jesus being on the outside of the bottle can see everything going on inside, but he is under a different set of laws. He can choose when ever he wants to step into the tunnel and when he wants to step out.
So if Time really is the Mark of The Beast, then perhaps there is another law out there that  has a different set of rules to play by. Perhaps!
Thanks For Reading
John Prochazka

Monday, July 1, 2013

Learning Filipino shortcuts before you travel to the Philippines

What ever your reasons for traveling to the Philippines, it's a good idea to know a little Filipino before you get there.

Filipino Style
A Land Of Enchantment!
If you have not been to the Philippine Islands to see the rich heritage and diversity of culture you don't know what you are missing.

Here are some important ideas to consider before your Filipino experience:

1. Try the food
Even though it may look unappealing at least give it a try. You may be surprised. The Filipino street food known as Pinoy is very tasty and inexpensive.
2. Find out about the Philippine Lifestyle
To begin with, Filipinos are Asians. They have a few of the qualities, and customs, as well as traditions shared by many of the various other Asian countries including Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, and Indonesia. They have great respect for their parents and they also love their children. Family is number one to a Filipino.
European, Spanish, and American culture have influenced the Filipinos. Religion and language were influenced by the Spanish and the school system was influenced by the Americans.
A Filipino speaks a number of dialects as well as different languages too. Spanish, English, Chinese, Tagalog, and Bisaya are all spoken with the predominant language being Tagalog.
3. Get to know the people
Filipinos are one of the most cheerful people in the world. But obviously there are a few who definitely are impolite. A Filipino is generally shy and won't look you in the eye. Do not yell at them as this is a great sign of disrespect.
Filipino Friendships
Get To Know The People
The Tagalog language has many of it's base words in the Spanish language. It's taught in schools and many Filipinos fully grasp it as well as understand the best way to speak it.
If you were smart before your visit, you would pick up the Rosetta Stone and practice the language. An American who is able to speak the language gets to be an instant celebrity.
5. Familiarize yourself with the place you want to to live in
Find an area you like and rent a house for a couple of months to get the feel for the area. If you don't like it, move to a new area. Rents are not high.
Enjoy a Filipino movie. One of the best ways to learn the language and the customs of the people is to spend time watching them interacting with each other.
6. Respect the differences of the Philippines
There are different laws and regulations in the Philippines, don't judge them. Don't expect the Filipinos to act like the country you came from. Go with the flow and you will have a much better experience there.
Thanks For Reading
John Prochazka